Sunday, January 25, 2015


Christmas Conference
This week we had Christmas conference!! That was super fun!! We had a little bit of a training but most of all we just played games! Presidente brought an Xbox with connect so we went and played the sports games! It was super fun! There was Uno and ping pong and checkers and a bunch of stuff! It was really cool! We had a white elephant exchange and I ended up with an awesome present :)
I am getting Videira I. Yup it is a big change… all I am going to do is work on the other side of the river now :P My new companion is elder Miranda. He was actually one of the district leaders here and now he is my companion! It should be really cool to work with him! 
So about Christmas and skype. So we are authorized to call home only on the 25th. IS that going to work with everyone?!?! The plan is to call at 3 o´clock my time, but I will make the hard confirmation this next week!

What I learned from my companion this transfer: I learned about humility! He is an amazingly humble missionary and I really admire him for that! He is a super awesome guy to work with and he never complained! It will be sad to see him go but I know he will be alright there in Joinville.
So this week I had the opportunity to talk to some less actives...It wasn’t very fun! I learned that what Alma 24:30 says is true. After we have received the light and then we turn away we are a lot more hard hearted than we were before and our state before God turns even worse. I know that without a doubt those who have received the truth and then turned away from it have a lot harder time repenting that those who are just starting!! It was one of the few times on my mission where I have actually called someone to repent. It wasn’t very fun but the spirit was strong so I knew I was doing the right thing. 
Something good this week! This week I had a division with Elder Candan! He is from Argentina! It was a good division and we were able to teach some good people. The only problem that I am having is that some of the missionaries in the zone aren’t actually doing anything close to their best. But we are working on that! :) It should be a little easier now that I have another zone leader to help me do everything because alone it was a lot of stuff to do!!
I love you all and I am so glad for all the love that you have for me!
I know that this church is true. God LIVES! He loves each and every one of us. Compared to God we are nothing but to him we are everything! We all have this divine potential the only thing we need to do is use it to become more like him! I know that Jesus is the Savior of the World! How amazing is the thought that a small boy born in a manger would be the savior of mankind. I love my savior and I love his work! 

Love, Elder Pachner

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